Group lesson

Group lesson is a structured exercise that group of fencers has training on different kinds of their physical, technical, and tactical needs with the coach. In this type of training, fencers will learn footwork, general hand techniques, and improve their different physical needs. In the physical part, since there are different physical needs that fencers need to work on, each session of the group lesson will focus on one of these features. You can do group lessons from 1x/wk to 5-6x/wk, but it's based on your level and your needs. Usually, beginner fencers start with less and gradually increase the number of their sessions as they proceed. You can check our group lessons schedule in here.

A private lesson is a structured one-on-one exercise with the coach. Private lesson is a time that fencers will learn new techniques from the coach and will repeat them until become fluent in those techniques. It is usually 20 minute duration and can be more based on the need. The number of private lessons that you get can be anywhere from once a week to everyday private lesson, that like group lesson, its based on whats your level and whats your needs. However, taking at least on private lesson per week can highly improve your learning speed and helps you to improve your techniques one by one.
Online virtual class

This option provided for those people that for any reason can not come to the club. In this case, you can have a 30-min class with the coach to work on those kinds of things that you need to learn based on your current level. It will be mostly like your private lesson and will help you to keep your improvement even if you're on vacation or for any reason you can't show up in the real training session.
Conditioning program

As we know, we are the first club in the USA that provides high-level conditioning program for every level of athletes. This program will include the current age, growth period, gender, and your goals to provide the exercise program that you can do it in your home with any equipment that you have. Based on it's uniqueness and importance, we put another separate page that we put everything about it that who needs it, why you need it and etc.
Open fencing

This session is the time that fencers can have open fencing with each other. The aim of this session is to try all the things you have learned during the week and check your improvements and fix your faults. All of our membership programs will include this session, but if you're not an ASER member, you can still participate in this session to fence with our fencers. We strongly recommend to all of our fencers to don't miss any of these sessions because you're going to stabilize the things that you have learned by repeating them over and over again.
Bout analysis

In the learning procedure, you have different options to learn. One is to repeat the same mistake until you finally understand them and fix the problem, and the other one is to review your performance, understand them and try to fix them earlier. In this part, we tried to provide a genuine opportunity for our fencers to check their mistakes during the bout and fix them with the coach. It's a highly recommended and experienced way to help to increase your improvement speed, especially for competitive fencers.
Strip coaching

Strip coaching is another method that coach can help you during your competition to fence with your opponent. This is especially beneficial for competitive fencers that the coach will help them beside the strip to tell them what they need to do on the strip. It will include a full analysis of their opponent, the way to fence them, and the right strategy to pick during the bout.
Semi-private lessons

This is the option for family members or those friends who want to work together. In this option, group of 2-3 persons will work under the coach supervision to learn those techniques that they're going to learn in private lessons. In comparison with the private lesson, it will provide less complicated techniques but would be great to fix your problems with friends.
Fencing camps

We are providing different camps during the season for different levels of fencers from beginners to advanced/competitve fencers in order to improve their level and provide the best training and preparation for them. These camp will include different physical, technical, tactical and mental trainings based on fencers needs for that camp.