Begin Fencing
You have never been a fencer before? It's very easy, just contact us to setup your free
trial week. You can do this using our regular group or private lessons or you can start
your fencing career from our summer camps.
What do you need to start?
You don't need any specific equipment to start. We will provide all of the equipment for your start, so just come in!!! We will provide easy ways to order your personal equipment.
What is the best age to start fencing?
You can start and enjoy fencing at any age and level in ASER, however, for a competitive path, it's best to start it between 7-14 years old. You can start your career using our camps as well.
How can you start?
You can contact us now to schedule your FREE starting session date/time or have a session with our coaches.
Email: Info@aserfencing.com
Phone: 832-762-0588