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Our Mission

ASER  Fencing Academy started in 2021 in order to provide high-quality fencing instruction for everyone of every age and any level. Our core value is to provide friendly environment for our fencers and their families where everyone can reach their highest potential. We highly believe that fencing can be more than only a sport for you, it can teach you the way to live, persist against hard situations, learn the team work, how to work hard and smart for your life and how to plan to get your goals in your real life. At the same time, we try to provide highest quality instructions to provide everything our fencers need to get in their best shape.  This is something that our previous fencers, their results and the time course for taking results already proved in USA fencing.

Our team

Our team
Head Coach


Exercise physiologist, PH.D.

Dr. Abdollah Serajian started fencing at age of 14 in Iran that after the start, very soon he realized his deep passion for it. Soon after starting fencing, he started to be a competitive fencer and became a fencer of the national junior fencing team of Iran. In his first tournament, he could win the 3rd team place in Asian junior and cadet fencing championships in 2006 Kuwait city. After it, he kept continuing as a fencer of the national Junior fencing team of Iran where during his career, he got 3rd individual place in the Junior world cup in 2007 and 5th place in 2008 junior world cup in Iran. In 2008, he could get the 2nd individual place in Asian junior fencing championships in Seoul, South Korea. After it, he joined the Iranian national senior team where he presented the Iranian national senior team in different Asian championships, World Championships, Grand Prix, World Cups, Olympic qualifications, and international tournaments all around the world. During these years, while he graduated from the aviation school, he decided to change his major to sports sciences to learn everything he needs to be a professional athlete and later, a coach. Therefore, he got his bachelor's in physical education and sports sciences, a Master's in exercise physiology, and then Ph.D. in exercise physiology from the best universities in his country. All of these happened while he was the fencer of the national team and participated in different tournaments, camps, and training. In 2013, after participating in the Asian senior fencing championships in Shanghai, he decided to keep his focus on his Ph.D. to finish that.  After that, he started to help young athletes in his country where his students became fencers of the national Cadet, Junior, and Senior fencing teams of Iran and presented their country at the international level and achieved different national and international achievements. During this period of time, he started the talent identification committee of the fencing federation of Iran and provided talent identification criteria for fencing in the fencing federation of Iran based on his master's thesis and started to look all around his country to find talented kids, educate them and help them to join national team camps. At the same time, he started to work as a conditioning coach for the national fencing teams of Iran including the 2016 and 2020 Iranian Saber Team Olympians. While in 2017, he became the coach of the national women's senior fencing team of Iran. Finally, in 2017 he participated in an international coaching course that was presented by the international fencing federation (FIE) and the University of Budapest where he got his coaching certificate in one of the best fencing schools in the world. After finishing this course, he finished his Ph.D. course in 2018, and finally, he decided to immigrate to the USA. In the USA, he started as an epee head coach where his students in about 2 years could get different national, SYCs, RYCs, NACs, and regional tournaments and finally he decided to start his own fencing schools in 2021. The reason he decided to start his own fencing academy was because of his long-term mindset to use all of the experience and knowledge he learned during these years to prepare his students to become successful people in their life and in fencing. He thinks that fencing could help him to be a happier, stronger, smarter, and more successful person in life and tries to do the same for his students to become successful next generation of the USA.

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  • Ph.D. of neuromuscular exercise physiology, Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran, Iran (2018)

  • Master of exercise physiology, Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran, Iran (2013)

  • Bachelor of physical education and sport sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran (2011)

  • Associate of aircraft maintenance and repair, Aviation University of Mashhad, Iran (2005)


​​2017 International fencing coaching course: Federation international D’escrime

2019 American college of sports medicine: exercise physiologist

2019 National US fencing referee: USA fencing federation

2021 American Red Cross: adults/pediatrics CPR/AED/first aid

2018 Bodybuilding coach: National bodybuilding federation of Iran

2016 Professional conditioning coach: National Olympic academy of Iran

2012 Iranian fencing coach

2012 Physical fitness coach: Iranian physical fitness society

2012 Working with laboratory animals: Tarbiat Modares University

2011 Iranian fencing referee

2010 Working with weight machines: Fitness society of IRI

International tournaments:

National achievements:


2013 Senior Asian championships (Shanghai, China)

2012 Asian Senior championships (Wakayama, Japan)

2012 Senior world cup (Paris, France)

2012 Senior world cup (Tallin, Estonia)

2012 Grand Prix (Doha, Qatar)

2012 World Cup (legnano, Italy)

2011 World senior Championship (Catania, Italy)

2011 Asian senior Championships (Seoul, south Korea)

2011 Grand Prix (Berne, Switzerland)

2011 Senior World Cup (Heidenheim, Germany)

2010 Senior World Cup (Kish Island, Iran) 13th place

2009 Senior Grand Prix (Doha, Qatar)

2009 Senior Grand Prix (Kuwait city, Kuwait)

2009 Senior World Cup (Kish Island, Iran)

2008 Junior World Cup (Yazd, Iran) 6th place

2008  Asian Junior championships (Yanguu, South Korea) 2nd individual place

2008  Asian Junior championships (Yanguu, South Korea) 5th team place

2008  World Cup (Kish Island, Iran)

2008  Asian Junior championships (Almati, Kazakhstan)

2007  Junior World Championship (Belek, Turkey)

2007  Junior World Cup (Yazd, Iran) 3rd place

2007  World Cup (Kish Island, Iran)

2006  World Cup (Tehran, Iran)

2006 Asian senior Championships (Kuwait city, Kuwait) 3rd team place

2019 1st place in CFC tournament  (VA, USA)

2016 3rd individual place, Iranian fencing league, Esteghlal Club 

2016 1st team place, Iranian national senior championships

2015 1st team place, Iranian national senior championships

2014 1st team place, Iranian national senior championships

2013 1st team place, Iranian national senior championships

2012 2nd team place, Iranian national senior championships

2011 1st team place, Iranian national senior championships

2010 1st team place, Iranian national senior championships

2009 1st team place, Iranian national senior championships

2008 1st team place, Iranian national senior championships

2015 3rd team place, Iranian fencing league, Esteghlal Club

2014 2nd individual place in Iranian fencing league -Ardebil fencing club

2014 3rd individual place in Iranian epee grand prix

2013 2nd team place in Iran national senior fencing championships

2013 2nd individual place in Iran national senior fencing championships

2012 1st team place in Iran national senior fencing championships

2011 2nd place in national Iranian fencing league, Irankhodro club

2010 3rd individual place in Iranian senior grand prix

2010 1st place in national Iranian fencing league, Kish sport and recreation club

2010 1st team place in Iran national senior fencing championships

2010 2nd individual place in Iran national senior fencing championships

2009 1st team place in Iran national senior fencing championships

2009 3rd place in national Iranian fencing league, IKUP club

2008 2nd team place in Iran national senior fencing championships

2008 3rd individual place in Iranian senior grand prix

2008 3rd team place in national junior Iranian fencing championships, junior

2008 3rd place in U23 foil team competition at second Iranian sports Olympiad

2008 3rd place in U23 epee individual competition at second Iranian sports Olympiad

2008 2nd place in U23 epee team competition at second Iranian sports Olympiad

2007 3rd team place in Iran national junior fencing championships

2007 1st team place in Iran national junior fencing championships

2006 3rd team place in Iran national junior fencing championships


Students results

Iran (2016-2018)

2016 3rd individual place in Iranian cadet fencing championships

2017 Fencer in national junior and cadet team

2016 Fencer in national junior and cadet team

2015 Fencer in national junior and cadet team

2016 3rd team place in Iranian junior fencing championship

2017 1st individual place in Iranian cadet fencing championships

2017 3rd place in Iranian junior fencing championships

2016 2nd individual place in Thailand open fencing championships

2015 3rd individual place in Iranian fencing Grandprix

2015 3rd individual place in Iranian senior fencing championships

2016 2nd individual place in Iranian senior championships

2017 2nd team place in Thailand senior open tournament

2017 2nd individual place in Thailand open fencing championships

2018 Player in the national senior fencing team of Iran

2017 Player in the national senior fencing team of Iran

2016 Player in the national senior fencing team of Iran

2015Player in the national senior fencing team of Iran

2020 1st place and E rating in Y14 women epee

2020 Top 8 in cadet women epee (13 years old kid)

2020 Top 8 in Y14 men epee

2020 D rating and earning college scholarship in Stevens college (Sebastian Lu)

2019 Top 8 in Y10 men Epee Fairfax RYC

2019 3rd place in Y14 women Epee Fairfax RYC

2019 5th place in Y12 women Epee Cobra SYC

2019 5th place in Y8 Men Epee cobra SYC

2019 3rd place in Y10 women Epee in summer national (Ohio)

2019 3rd place in Y12 women Epee Boston SYC

2019 5th place in Y14 Boston SYC

2019 5th place in Y12 Fairfax SYC

2019 3rd place in Bruce Fusner Y12 women epee

2019 Top 8 in Bruce Fusner Junior men epee

2019 7th place in Bruce Fusner Y14 women epee

2018 5th place in Fairfax RYC Y14 women epee

2019 2nd place in cadet JO qualifier

2018 2nd place in junior fairfax RYC

2018 3rd place in DIV1 fairfax RYC

2018 3rd place in Y14 women epee (Fairfax RYC)

2018 2nd place in Y12 men epee (North Carolina RYC)

2018 3rd place in Y14 men epee (North Carolina RYC)

2018 2nd place in Y12 women epee (North Carolina RYC)

2018 3rd place in Y14 women epee (North Carolina RYC)

2018 3rd place in junior SN qualifier


Serajian, A., Nourshahi, M., LaVoy, E., Eliaspour, D., Rajabi, H., & Kondalaji, R. Z. (2020). Effect of a 4-week fish oil supplementation on neuromuscular performance after exhaustive exercise in young healthy men. , 1-12.


Abdollah Serajian, Maryam Nourshahi, Emily Lavavi, Dariush Eliaspour, Hamid Rajabi, Roya Zakeri Kundlji (2019). Investigation on central and peripheral fatigue following the modified Bruce protocol in young healthy men (sport and exercise physiology, no.1, vol. 12, Pages: 27-41)


Serajian, A., Nourshahi, M., & LaVoy, E. (2017). Decrease in baseline values of inflammatory mediators and improvement in muscular performance after 4-weeks fish oil supplementation. Razi Journal of Medical Sciences, 24(7), 90-99.


Abdollah, S., Khosrow, E., & Sajad, A. (2014). Comparison of anthropometric and functional characteristics of elite male Iranian fencers in three weapons. International Journal of Applied Sports Sciences, 26(1), 11-17.


Zahedi H., Fathi M, Rashid Lamir A., Serajian A., (2015). The effect of 8-weeks circuit judo training on the AGRP amount and functional characteristics of trained judo males. (sport and exercise physiology 16, 1241-1248)


Ahmadi N., Serajian A., Zekri Kondalaji R., Sharifi A. (2014). The relationship between perceived physical fitness, perceived success and anthropometrical characteristics with level of achievement in young fencers, Journal of sports psychology, 12, 907-914.


Taghizadeh. F (M.S), Nourian. A (Ph.D) Nourshahi. M (ph.D), Serajian. A (Msc) (2013). The effect of interval aerobic trainings on the quality of life and Physical Disability Status Scale in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis (M.S) 95-106.


Digit ratio, testosterone/cortisol levels and hand grip power of handedness among elite Iranian basketball players-2015 (3rd International Conference on Sports and Human Welfare (International Journal of Humanities and Management Sciences (IJHMS))


Khanbabazadeh, M., Serajian, A., & Rashidlamir, A. (2016). Digit ratio, testosterone/cortisol levels, and hand grip strength among elite Iranian wrestlers. International Journal of Wrestling Science, 6(1), 53-57.



Comparison of anthropometrical and functional characteristics of elite male Iranian fencers in three weapons
The effect of 4-weeks fish oil supplementation on inflammation-induced central fatigue during exhaustive exercise in young healthy men


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Arisneidys Verdecia Solgado

Coach Aris started the sport of Fencing at the age of 11 in Cuba, city Las Tunas. Her first participation in national championships was at the age of 13, resulting in 5th individual place. In the cadet category, she obtained her first individual Gold medal, thus giving way to her long career as an athlete. In her career in the Youth Categories, she was promoted to the National Team, achieving  her participation in the Pan American Championship, obtaining the individual Gold medal and turned into the Cuban senior National Team.


- Graduated in Physical education and Sport sciences

- With the focus on fencing

- Theory and Methodology of Training.

- Sport Psychology.

- High Performance Planning.

- Energetic and Physiological System.

- Strength and Conditioning.

- Sports Psychology (mental preparation of the  athlete and coach of international competitions)

- High Performance Analysis.

- Pan American Course  for High Performance Coach Sword Fencing Coaches 2022.


International Achievements:

- 3rd individual place, Pan American Championship Cadet and Youth Category,  Havana, Cuba, 2017,

- 2nd individual place,Youth category, Men epee.

- 3rd Individual place,  South American Championship, Brazil, 2018, youth's B Men' s Epee.

- 8th team place, Pam American Championship, Colombia, 2019, Youth Men's Epee category.

- 1st Individual place, Lima, 2019, South American Championship, Pre-Cadet Men's Epee.

- 3rd Individual place, Lima, 2019, South American Championship, Cadet. Men's Epee.

- 9th individual place, 1st Pan American Youth/Cadet Games, Colombia, Cali, 2021 Men's Epee.

- 2nd Individual place, South American Youth Games, Rosario, 2022.

- Children's Pan American Individual Silver Medal Lima Peru 2022  Men's Sword.

- 5th individual place, South American Youth Championship, Cochabamba, Bolivia, 2022, Men's Epee.

- 8th  individual Place, South American Cadet Championship, Cochabamba, Bolivia 2022,  Women's Epee.

- Basel wold Cup Switzerland, 2023, 81st place, Men's Epee individual European Circuit.

- 2nd Individual place, Pan American Cadet Championship, Brazil, 2023 Men's Epee.

- Top 16 finish, Youth Word Cup, San Salvador, 2024 Men's Epee.

- 16th Place Youth Word Cup, Costa Rica, 2024, Men's Epee.


Results Achieved Regional Level USA FENCING.


- Individual Gold medal, Daytona 2023 Cadet Men's Sword.

- Individual Silver medal Daytona 2023 Women's  Sword Y14.

- Bronze medal Daytona 2024 Cadet Female Sword.

- Bronze medal Daytona 2024 Youth Women's Sword.

Assistant coach
Bill Lam

Coach Bill has lived in Fairfax, Virginia his whole life and first started fencing epee under the mentorship of head coach Saeid during his freshman year of high school (Fall 2019). Since then, he has been fencing consistently and mentoring other athletes throughout classes. Bill found his passion in fencing very early and achieved his “C” rating very soon after his start. He is also a USA Fencing certified referee. Over the time, Bill showed his great attitude and passion working with young kids and teaching young fencers. Bill added to our team to help our young kids use his technical knowledge and experience.
He enjoys spending time with his friends and anticipates majoring in aerospace engineering.

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